Thursday, June 22, 2006

Daisy Hill Koala Centre

We chose to visit this park as it was said to be the best for spotting wildlife in a natural environment. At first the day looked a little bit too wet to spot anything but we had a look around all the same. As expected, all the koalas were hidden away nice and warm. Luckily as we decided to head into the indoor part of the park we met with a couple of little koalas, sitting in a tree eating their eucalyptus leaves. One of the wardens even called one of the koalas down so we could pet and stroke it. It was sooooo cute, we wanted to take one home with us. Apparently they sleep for 20 hours a day (much like Bobbi), and they also love being hugged.

1 comment:

Paul and Bobbi Trehan-Young said...

Hey! Thank you.. we've enjoyed writing it.
Bali was on our itinerary, but sadly due to the bombing we had to pass. But we hope to visit in the near future.

Thanks - we'll check out your blog soon